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West Virginia Local Science Engagement Network


The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and early career scientists from WVU are launching the West Virginia Local Science Engagement Network (LSEN).

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Our Vision

The West Virginia Local Science Engagement Network (LSEN) seeks to increase the quality of life for West Virginians by fostering collaborations between scientists and communities across the state. The West Virginia LSEN is a voluntary effort being launched by scientists and engineers at West Virginia University. This team believes that connecting scientists with West Virginia communities can lead to evidence-based solutions that address the most pressing issues across West Virginia.

The West Virginia LSEN will:

  1. Recruit and cultivate a network of scientists and engineers across the state;
  2. Provide training and professional development opportunities meant to increase the positive societal impact of network advocates' research and outreach; and
  3. Host engaging activities and events to empower West Virginians to participate in the scientific process, gain access to scientists and scientific information, and use science to address the needs and desires of their communities.

Join the West Virginia LSEN Now!

Are you a scientist or science enthusiast interested in becoming an LSEN advocate? Join The West Virginia LSEN through AAAS in two steps:

1.) Create a AAAS ID           2.) Join the West Virginia LSEN

Meet Our Leadership Team


Brooke Eastman

Co-LSEN Liaison,  "Network Weaver," Strategic Planning

WVU Davis College (Forestry)

"By creating bridges between scientists and the public, I believe that the West Virginia LSEN can help address societal needs in West Virginia while broadening the impact of scientists in our state."

headshot photo of Robin Oliverio

Robin Oliverio

Co-LSEN Liaison, Graduate Student Engagement

WVU Heath Sciences (Neuroscience)

"Over the past decade, West Virginia has become my home. Making myself available as a scientific resource and open to feedback from West Virginians is a great priority of mine."

headshot photo of Barrett-Anne Briggs

Barrett-Anne Briggs

Communications Manager, Webmistress

WVU Eberly (Biology)

"WVLSEN facilitates communication between community members which I find to a be a valuable necessity for our society."

headshot photo of Kevin Orner

Kevin Orner

Partnership Management, Science Engagement Training

WVU Engineering Research

"I find West Virginia LSEN valuable because I believe the impact of WVU can be multiplied by listening to and engaging with people throughout the state." 

headshot photo of brenden McNeil

Brenden McNeil

Scientist Recruitment, Funding Opportunities Management

WVU Eberly (Geology & Geography)

"I find the idea of LSEN valuable because it gives me hope for our fractured society. Engaging with science means engaging with an inclusive method of discovering shared truths about the place we all call home." 


Amy Metheny

Community Partnership Management,
Event Planning

WVU Davis College (Plant & Soil Science)

"As a 10th-generation West Virginian and a scientist, I'm excited to be involved in the West Virginia LSEN. Communicating our work as researchers to the public in a way that allows them to use that information to improve their lives is absolutely vital to our Land Grant mission at WVU."

headshot photo of William Peterjohn

William Peterjohn

Event Planning, STEAM collaborations,
Issues Management

WVU Eberly (Biology)

Upcoming Events

Training Opportunities

How to Communicate With Your Civic Leaders

May, 2024. In-person on WVU Morgantown campus

Learn about different outlets for communicating with your civic leaders. Gain expert tips on how to craft your message for the greatest impact. Details and registration information coming soon.

West Virginia LSEN Topical Webinars

Every other month, we will host webinars on topics related to challenges and opportunities in West Virginia that are rooted in science and technology. These are intended to bring together a diverse group of scientists, stakeholders, civic leaders, and anyone else interested! Details TBA.

Coming Soon!

LSEN Learning Forum

Starting in 2024: Every other month, we will hear from one of the six AAAS  LSEN liaisons who will present virtual webinars on various topics related to local science engagement skills building. Details TBA. 

Past Events

View a list of past events and recordings of past webinars.

Past West Virginia LSEN Events

Connect With West Virginia LSEN

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